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The modules below are available as of 4/10/21. Please reach out to me to check on the latest
Coaching Module #1: Reflection on your Skills & Experiences

Key Points Covered->

● Identification of skills & experiences that participants currently have
● Identify the skills and experiences needed to be a successful AP
● Examine 3 case studies involving leaders who applied their skills in situations they were initially ‘unprepared’ for at that moment


Key Points Covered->

● Breakdown the 3 different categories that house this information
● Review job descriptions to look for items related to the school’s needs
● Role Play- Examine community resources and an improvement plan (case study)
through the lens of an administrator

(this one is tailored for anyone of the following cohorts -> aspiring instructional coaches,
assistant principals, principals, and/or central office designees)
Key Points Covered->

● Discuss the ‘Prime’ Pillars of a Successful {insert cohort name}
● Complete either a mock case study and/or performance task related to the cohort
(instructor facilitates and provides feedback)

Key Points Covered->

● Discussion about the types of artifacts needed for interviews
● Breakdown & analyze performance activities
● Practice Interview Questions


Key Points Covered->

● Why is scheduling so important?
● The foundation blocks of a master schedule
● Build your own

Coaching Module #2: Analyze current administration and school-needs
Coaching Module #3: Identify the main items needed to be a successful administrator
Coaching Module #5: Master Scheduling
Coaching Module #4: Interview Questions & Performance Activity

1 - 1.5 Hours

Module Length:


(i.e. instructional coach, assistant principal, etc.)

Tailored based on goals &
Traits of participants.



Modules can be face to face
or remote

Overview of Coaching Modules

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